Commercial bakeries are increasingly adopting sanitary equipment to avoid product contamination, recalls and more. Thanks to sticky syrups, icings, fillings and other additives like chocolate chips, nuts and fruits, keeping a clean production line is a must.
One way bakeries are ensuring safe and sanitary operations is by switching to hygienic spiral conveyor systems that feature plastic, modular belting. Unlike metal belting that can contaminate products with metal shavings, plastic belting doesn’t require lubrication, which is another potential contamination risk.
Hygienic spiral conveyor systems from SideDrive Conveyor Co. feature USDA-compliant plastic belting. In addition, extruded solid, plastic wearstrips and sprockets with a very smooth surface finish are utilized, leaving less spaces and crevices for bacteria to hide.
The benefits of plastic don’t end there. Plastic, modular belting stands-up to high-pressure washdowns and repeated chemical exposure from cleaning agents, making it a better return on investment.
Additional advantages of plastic belting include it being lightweight, strong and fatigue-resistant. Over time, metal belting can become rigid and break, requiring welded repairs that can be time consuming and messy. Plastic belting eliminates that completely, and with its ability to carry higher product loads and longer life cycle due to its strength advantage, can help optimize operations by reducing downtime.
SideDrive Conveyor’s enabling, edge-driven technology allows us to create and configure the most hygienic spiral conveyor design to meet virtually any application or floor layout. Plus, with an open, accessible design, cleaning is done easily and thoroughly.
Learn how SideDrive’s hygienic spirals can save time, money and reduce risk, CLICK HERE.